We will be happy to provide you with advice and assistance at any time.
CCI = Organisation of businesses for businesses
We are consultants and information providers to companies in East Belgium on economic issues. We support and encourage the local economies and information exchange between entrepreneurs as well as representing the economic interests of regional businesses in institutions and committees both within and without our geographical jurisdiction.
Our Website contains a wide range of information on developments in the region and the Euregio, as well as details of our calendar of events in german language. We offer you an overview of East Belgium and its economy in your mother tongue. Should you have any questions or comments, please email us. We are happy to be of service, and thank you for your interest.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to info@ihk-ostbelgien.be. We thank you for your interest and remain at your disposal.
How to contact us
Industrie- und Handelskammer Ostbelgien VoG
Herbesthaler Straße 1A
4700 EUPEN (Directions)
Tel.: +32 (0)87 / 55 59 63
Fax: +32 (0)87 / 55 79 04
E-Mail: info@ihk-ostbelgien.be
Opening hours
Monday – Thursday: 8am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 5pm
Friday: 8am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 3pm